Located in the Marechal Carmona Park, near the entrance to the Marina, is the Condes de Castro Guimaraes Museum in Cascais. It is one of two main museums in Cascais.
The Tower of Saint Sebastião as the villa was known, was built in 1900 by Jorge O’Neill of Royal Irish descent. In 1910 he sold it to the Count and Countess Castro de Guimarães. The Count and Countess had no heirs. The Count died in 1927, at the age of 69, leaving his house and contents to the Cascais Municipal Council. The house was ‘to be used as a museum and public library’. These included his collection of books, objets d’art, silver and furniture. The museum opened in 1930.
The chapel of Saint Sebastian
As you enter to the right is the 17th century chapel of Saint Sebastian. It has tiles on the life of the saint, in the photo. Weddings and baptisms have taken place here.

In the garden is the statue by Joseph Bernard ‘Woman Dancing with Child’ (1866) in the photo.
Museum, paintings, library

The Museum has several rooms on two floors. Oil portraits of the Count and Countess (1904) by Victor Mateus Corcos greet you in the Yellow or Clover Room. A portrait of Queen Amélia de Bragança (1905) hangs here. Painted on the ceiling in the Red or Music Room are the coat of arms of the Counts ancestors. The Library houses a collection of books mainly on Portuguese history.
An important treasure is the 16th century Chronical of King Afonso Henriques by Duarte Galvão. It has an illustration of Lisbon.
The dining room has two large 18th century vases bearing the Sobral family coat of arms. Display cases in the study hold Sevres pieces, glassware and 18th and 19th century fans. Displayed on the bedroom walls are rugs from the orient. The former Dressing Room, now the José de Figueiredo Room, has exhibits of English engravings. The Cabinets Room contains heavy wooden cabinets of Indo-Portuguese style from the 17th century.
A kiosk in the gardens overlooks the pond and serves drinks and light meals. It has outdoor tables.
Visits to the Condes de Castro Guimaraes Museum in Cascais are by guided tours. Open Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 6pm. Closed Monday.